Friday, May 27, 2005

Chemistry sucks, What else is new?

Mid-year exams are over! Finally! 3 weeks is long enough, too long in fact. And I already got to know 3 subject marks which is Add M3, Mod M3 and Physics. And both my Add M3 and Physics are in the 60's region. Which really sucks. But it's not like I wasn't expecting low marks. I did pretty bad in this exam, and the internet was distracting me half the time! I'm already expecting to fail my Chem and possibly Bio too. Gasp.
But who cares, anyway? It's the holidays! So no school thoughts! Shoo.

On to more interesting matters, I've gotten into the crazy world of live journal. I saw the pretty little icons and fell in love with them. It's amazing how they can create so much beauty with just 100x100 pixels. Now I've gotten into the habit of icon-making already. I'm still a beginner though so not much creativity with my icons. But I've been joining a few icon contests. Hopefully, I might actually win something. Visit my lj! It's still totally empty now but I'll soon be filling it up with icons. Meanwhile, you should go to my friends section at the lj for some gorgeous icons.

About American Idol: Bo should have won. I really feel so wholly unsatisfied that Carrie won. I don't think she has as much talent or star quality as Bo does. But I guess she overshadowed him with her powerful voice and the fact that she went last. But I'm not in America, so whatever. That Simon parody was hilarious, however. And Constantine as the waiter...ah, cuteness! And William Hung, Oh God, that just cracked me up!

Homework: So, my teacher assigned us to read 10 books this holiday as homework. 10 books in 2 weeks. Does she think we have no lives or something? That doesn't even gives us more than a day to finish one book. And she wants us to read books that are up to our level when before she said that we could read anything we wanted. Annoying. I love to read more than most people but 10 books in 14 days is just way too much. She gave us this 15 minute lecture on how reading builds our character and makes us more outspoken and observant of the world. "And no romance novels! Romance novels should be destroyed!" Geez, romance novels are for the enjoyment, the excitement and just to lose ourselves in a happy(hot) fairytale. What is so wrong with that? I bet she would have read plenty of romantic novels when she was our age but then again she was from a convent so...


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