Malaysian Idol - Auditions in Kuching
Yes, Malaysian Idol Season 2 is back, baby! Straight after American Idol. Will the Idol fever ever end?
So, we started off the show with our two hosts, Jien and Cheryl Samad (what ever happened to Aleya?) recapping us on the past season finalists' happenings. It seems 7 of them got record deals with the companies and that has never happened before on any idol show. Well, I can't say much about that but it was nice to see Dina again. She's so fun and cool! And Vic was his usual -emotional- self. I knew he was going to cry when he started talking about his mom.
Anyway, they showed a lot of funny stuff and our two hosts were just very excited. Jien was doing all the stupid stuff while Cheryl was all smiles and being the usual nice girl. She has very fluent BM, I must say. The chemistry between the judges was great and got to see Paul Moss and Roslan arguing again (for 5 minutes!) and the usual Kak Gee who barely speaks at all. I think they gave very long criticism (sometimes too long) and half the time, they were quite mean to the auditioners but I think they did give constructive advice, especially Paul. The only thing is they were a bit too long-winded about it. But it's great to see them back again.
I didn't see any rising stars in the auditioners, not so early in the season anyway, but I do hope we find someone as talented as Jac was last season. We had M'sia's usual horribly off-key singers and there was one guy who wore makeup with blue lips, he looked really scary. And what song did he choose to sing? Marilyn Manson. And he was pretty much just screaming. There was also another contestant who was quite good (so-so) and they let him audition a 2nd time, the poor guy, you could see he was terribly nervous, especially when he sang the 2nd song. Hope he overcomes his stage fright.
So far so good. I guess. Well, it's Malaysian Idol. What more can you ask for? The end scene was hilarious when Jien and Cheryl had to go on the sampan to Johor because the judges used all the budget to fly first class. They had so many funny scenes. Anyway, can't wait to see what new talent will be uncovered on MI.
So, we started off the show with our two hosts, Jien and Cheryl Samad (what ever happened to Aleya?) recapping us on the past season finalists' happenings. It seems 7 of them got record deals with the companies and that has never happened before on any idol show. Well, I can't say much about that but it was nice to see Dina again. She's so fun and cool! And Vic was his usual -emotional- self. I knew he was going to cry when he started talking about his mom.
Anyway, they showed a lot of funny stuff and our two hosts were just very excited. Jien was doing all the stupid stuff while Cheryl was all smiles and being the usual nice girl. She has very fluent BM, I must say. The chemistry between the judges was great and got to see Paul Moss and Roslan arguing again (for 5 minutes!) and the usual Kak Gee who barely speaks at all. I think they gave very long criticism (sometimes too long) and half the time, they were quite mean to the auditioners but I think they did give constructive advice, especially Paul. The only thing is they were a bit too long-winded about it. But it's great to see them back again.
I didn't see any rising stars in the auditioners, not so early in the season anyway, but I do hope we find someone as talented as Jac was last season. We had M'sia's usual horribly off-key singers and there was one guy who wore makeup with blue lips, he looked really scary. And what song did he choose to sing? Marilyn Manson. And he was pretty much just screaming. There was also another contestant who was quite good (so-so) and they let him audition a 2nd time, the poor guy, you could see he was terribly nervous, especially when he sang the 2nd song. Hope he overcomes his stage fright.
So far so good. I guess. Well, it's Malaysian Idol. What more can you ask for? The end scene was hilarious when Jien and Cheryl had to go on the sampan to Johor because the judges used all the budget to fly first class. They had so many funny scenes. Anyway, can't wait to see what new talent will be uncovered on MI.
At 12:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yup, it will never ends. The madness. But the last weeks auditon was pretty much funny.
What's with Roslan startled with the "hantu" who just want to be on tv, and Paul practically drooling over one contestant.I do wish they show us more goofs
At 12:27 AM,
Valerie said…
Thanks for the recap. Missed the show. :)
At 11:18 AM,
3cinr3b said…
exactly, i was also wondering where did aleya go. not that i will be missing her much since with aleya or cheryl, it still doesn't make a difference. it's always n will be jien doing more talking n he's much, much funnier too =D
At 8:02 PM,
weitse said…
haha..i agree with you 3cinr3b that jien is usually the one doing all the hilarious stunts and jokes. but it was funny when cheryl was introducing kuching.
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