Thursday, June 30, 2005

Mid-year Exams Results

Bahasa Melayu - 72
I'm most definitely content for my BM marks. = )

English - 89
Highest mark in class but quite a few people got the same marks as me. Anyway, this paper was easy.

Moral - 71
Where did I go wrong? I can't stand to see a 70+ for moral. I mean, all you have to do is memorise some nilais and kata kuncis and know when to apply it and insert some penerangan and contoh. It can't be that hard. So, why is my mark so low?

History - 78
Argh, my objective paper was awesome but my subjective paper didn't do as well. I suck at essays. That's why you should only have objective papers for an exam.

Math - 88
I shall aim for 90+ next time.

EST - 68
68?! What the hell?! I hate EST!!!!!!!!!

Add Math - 69
I still dislike anything below 70 but who am I to complain? I'm grateful I could actually pass the paper, I love log!

Physics - 65
Sigh. Oh well, it's the best among my science subjects.

Chemistry - 61
Phew. Though I would fail. Everything about this paper sucked but I actually got an okay mark.

Biology - 50
*insert star wars theme* Aaaaaaaaaaah! I'm so happy I didn't fail this paper. The whole meiosis and mitosis thing was just confusing me and don't get me started on that last experiment. Plus, my essays were terrible. I got really low marks for that which just pulled my entire paper down.

PJ - 78
Who cares about PJ anyway?

But still with all my low marks, I got 6th in class with a percentage of 71.1. Two spots down from the last exam but who's counting? *smiles obliviously* Yahoo! Still, my dad gave me a outraged look when I told him all my marks. Yeesh, parents. I don't understand why he has to be so shocked by my marks when he's already had the experience of exams results of my last two sisters. He should know by now that no matter how smart you are, your marks are going to drop when you come to Form 4. I swear, nothing short of 100 will ever satisfy him!

Friday, June 17, 2005


May, Su Zhen and I went to SPCA last Saturday to do some charity work (for Moral). We took out the newspaper from the cages (filled with ew-droppings) and put in new ones, clean the dog's bowls, bathe one dog and stripped the chicken meat. And we made a friend along the way who also came to do her Moral work.

Me and a cutecutecute little puppy. There was this one and his 2 other brothers who were fully-black.

On the right is Shalini, a girl we met

Lost Season 2 Spoilers

Some "Lost" Season 2 Secrets
Posted: Wednesday June 15th, 2005 5:06pm
Source: The Los Angeles Times
Author: Garth Franklin

At the world's first official "Lost" convention in Burbank over the weekend, cast & crew members made an appearance and spoke a little about secrets to be revealed in the show's much anticipated second season and The LA Times has done an in-depth article on what was said. Amongst the revelatory tidbits (MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD):

- At the end of a Q&A session with several of the show's writers, one audience member shouted, "Don't kill Sawyer," referring to the island's hunky bad boy. Executive producer Damon Lindelof replied, "We won't. But he did get shot, which means his shirt will be off in a future episode." As female crowd members whooped, Lindelof added, "And he'll be wet" (due to Sawyer's fall into the ocean).

- "The plane did not crash by accident," Lindelof told the crowd. "It crashed for a very specific reason." But he dismissed speculation that someone aboard the plane caused the crash. "I will tell you today that is not the case."

- Lindelof promises "Season 2 is gonna get weird" - though he and other writers promised the mysteries wouldn't drag on as long as "The X Files," which ran nine seasons. What's inside the mysterious hatch will be interesting, but not as interesting as the effect it has on the John Locke character.

- Finally, and not surprisingly, the rear section of the plane - and additional survivors - will be discovered during the second season.

Thanks to 'Lana'.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Another Trip To Mid Valley

Here's what happened.

So, Jeev and I had planned to watch Star Wars since before the holidays started but didn't really finalize the plans until Wednesday. We planned to go out on Friday with Jam and Jeev said we would go out after accounts. Then on Thursday night, Jam told me she had tuition after accounts so we would be going in the afternoon. I had actually already told my parents I was going in the morning because my mum had this whole other schedule and we only have one driver. So, I panicked a bit cos I didn't want to be stuck in Mid Valley all by my lonesome for who-knows how many hours. I then tried to ajak Pei Xuan but she couldn't make it on Friday. Then I talked to Alyssa who said she could make it in the morning and I was relieved again. But then her plans were kind of shaky because she needed to stay at home to take care of her little brother. Which got me all panicky again.
Next morning, Jam told me we would be watching in the evening because it was the only tickets she could get and I got frustrated because that time was too late for me so I thought, forget it. But Aly was already on her way there so I had to go. We ended up watching Star Wars without Jam and Jeev.

Yes, I finally watched Star Wars like how many other countless people already did. It was okay, I guess. I've never been a big fan but I liked the older eps rather than the newer ones. Episode 1 and 2 were such a dissappointment, I really wasn't expecting Episode 3 to wow me. But it turned out good, even though I was blur half the time. Well, you don't need to know much about Star Wars anyway, just know Anakin's going to turn into Darth Vader, Jedis are all-around good guys and Yoda is so cool! What I really like about Star Wars is when they're showing the spaceships flying around and it's going updownoverunder, and the camera sort of follows it, it's like you're being sucked into the action, so that's pretty awesome. The best part was the moment when Obi-wan defeats Anakin and cuts off his legs, and then Obi-wan breaks down and says, "You were supposed to be the Chosen One!" Ah, that part was really sad! Well, one lesson this movie taught me was, love complicates things! The part where Padme confronts Anakin and realizes he's evil didn't really get to me. When she said, "You're breaking my heart," I don't know but that line was just so stupid, it made me laugh. And Aly was reciting half the lines in the movie because she already has the VCD at home.

During the movie, my phone rang twice because Jeev was calling me and I was trying to decide, Should I disturb the half-filled cinema and answer the phone or I should I just ignore it? I ignored it. After we got out, we found out Jam and Jeev were already in MV so we went looking for them but soon gave up when we realised they might be watching a movie already. But we banged into them and ended up watching a movie together. It's funny how I worried so much yesterday on working out the time and plans, but it turned out to be so easy to get us all there. And we had a good time.

We didn't know what to watch, but we ended up watching a movie called Spellbound after me and Aly's insistance. I had recommended it because it got good reviews and it was one of those documentary types and I'm a sucker for those. Spellbound is a documentary about eight kids who got into the 1999 National Spelling Bee Competition in Washington DC and it's just a simple movie showing the story of each of the kids and the way they face the competition and their life. It was a pretty good movie (though I liked Supersize Me better, lol) but Jam was complaining the whole way through. I guess most people would find it boring but I thought it was a good movie. And it made me realized how many words I actually know in the English Language, which is pratically nothing. Almost all of the words they were asked to spell, I haven't even heard of and it was amazing to see kids younger than me being able to spell it out. I got a few guesses right. Lol. But it's pretty inspiring to see kids so young working so hard to win the competition. Here's a few examples of words they had to spell: heleoplankton, kokaburra, logorrhea. God, I hope I'm typing it out right. Lol. One of the contestants was a boy named Harry who was our favourite, he was just so cute and had a fun personality but sadly he lost after he misspelled banns. We were all rooting for him in the cinema. Lol. But in the end, it was a pretty sweet movie too to see how much the parents supported them and cheered them on. If you want to read plenty of rave reviews, you can check out this site or at rotten tomatoes or the official site because they can express it so much better than me.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Trade Log (Neptune High)

- starter pack: creditisdue02, duncan02, familychristmas12, keithmars14, koolaid07, girlnextdoor18, returnofthekane17, wrathofcon11, wallace11
- guess the actor: wrathofcon14
- guess the extra: veronicamars18 and logan10
- guess the card: pilot12 and familychristmas17
- scrambledwords: openingcredits20
- puzzle: logan13 and familchristmas03
- freebies: familychristmas05
- memory game: familychristmas06 and veronicamars12

- guess the episode: familychristmas15 and pilot15
- they said what?: logan08 and jason16

Saturday, June 04, 2005

The Rent Movie

I just found out that they're making Rent the movie, based on the musical. I'm quite enthusiastic about the movie though I've never seen the musical but it has Idina Menzel in it so that got me really excited. It's coming out on November 11 2005 and official site is here but the trailer's not even up yet. There is also a Rent blog where the actors write about making the movie. I can't wait for the movie to come out!

just jared dot com is a awesome site!

Just wanted to let you guyz know of just jared dot com. It's a full-on entertainment news site and it gives you news on practically everything on the entertainment scene. I love visiting that site so you people should go check it out.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Lost Season 2 Preview

ABC has left fans one more hint of what's to come on the second season of hit TV show Lost on
click me . The site for Oceanic Flight 815 in the series has a new, hidden Flash teaser that you can now watch.

To do so, click on the link above. Then at the bottom of the site, where it says 'Travellers', type in Hurley's "lucky" numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42. Click on 'Find' which will take you to the flight's seating chart. Next, click on those numbers again in order right below the chart and the teaser will start.

ABC is moving Lost to 9:00 p.m. EST on Wednesday's in the Fall.
