Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Friday, May 27, 2005
Malaysian Idol - Auditions in Kuching
Yes, Malaysian Idol Season 2 is back, baby! Straight after American Idol. Will the Idol fever ever end?
So, we started off the show with our two hosts, Jien and Cheryl Samad (what ever happened to Aleya?) recapping us on the past season finalists' happenings. It seems 7 of them got record deals with the companies and that has never happened before on any idol show. Well, I can't say much about that but it was nice to see Dina again. She's so fun and cool! And Vic was his usual -emotional- self. I knew he was going to cry when he started talking about his mom.
Anyway, they showed a lot of funny stuff and our two hosts were just very excited. Jien was doing all the stupid stuff while Cheryl was all smiles and being the usual nice girl. She has very fluent BM, I must say. The chemistry between the judges was great and got to see Paul Moss and Roslan arguing again (for 5 minutes!) and the usual Kak Gee who barely speaks at all. I think they gave very long criticism (sometimes too long) and half the time, they were quite mean to the auditioners but I think they did give constructive advice, especially Paul. The only thing is they were a bit too long-winded about it. But it's great to see them back again.
I didn't see any rising stars in the auditioners, not so early in the season anyway, but I do hope we find someone as talented as Jac was last season. We had M'sia's usual horribly off-key singers and there was one guy who wore makeup with blue lips, he looked really scary. And what song did he choose to sing? Marilyn Manson. And he was pretty much just screaming. There was also another contestant who was quite good (so-so) and they let him audition a 2nd time, the poor guy, you could see he was terribly nervous, especially when he sang the 2nd song. Hope he overcomes his stage fright.
So far so good. I guess. Well, it's Malaysian Idol. What more can you ask for? The end scene was hilarious when Jien and Cheryl had to go on the sampan to Johor because the judges used all the budget to fly first class. They had so many funny scenes. Anyway, can't wait to see what new talent will be uncovered on MI.
Chemistry sucks, What else is new?
Mid-year exams are over! Finally! 3 weeks is long enough, too long in fact. And I already got to know 3 subject marks which is Add M3, Mod M3 and Physics. And both my Add M3 and Physics are in the 60's region. Which really sucks. But it's not like I wasn't expecting low marks. I did pretty bad in this exam, and the internet was distracting me half the time! I'm already expecting to fail my Chem and possibly Bio too. Gasp.
But who cares, anyway? It's the holidays! So no school thoughts! Shoo.
On to more interesting matters, I've gotten into the crazy world of live journal. I saw the pretty little icons and fell in love with them. It's amazing how they can create so much beauty with just 100x100 pixels. Now I've gotten into the habit of icon-making already. I'm still a beginner though so not much creativity with my icons. But I've been joining a few icon contests. Hopefully, I might actually win something. Visit my lj! It's still totally empty now but I'll soon be filling it up with icons. Meanwhile, you should go to my friends section at the lj for some gorgeous icons.
About American Idol: Bo should have won. I really feel so wholly unsatisfied that Carrie won. I don't think she has as much talent or star quality as Bo does. But I guess she overshadowed him with her powerful voice and the fact that she went last. But I'm not in America, so whatever. That Simon parody was hilarious, however. And Constantine as the waiter...ah, cuteness! And William Hung, Oh God, that just cracked me up!
Homework: So, my teacher assigned us to read 10 books this holiday as homework. 10 books in 2 weeks. Does she think we have no lives or something? That doesn't even gives us more than a day to finish one book. And she wants us to read books that are up to our level when before she said that we could read anything we wanted. Annoying. I love to read more than most people but 10 books in 14 days is just way too much. She gave us this 15 minute lecture on how reading builds our character and makes us more outspoken and observant of the world. "And no romance novels! Romance novels should be destroyed!" Geez, romance novels are for the enjoyment, the excitement and just to lose ourselves in a happy(hot) fairytale. What is so wrong with that? I bet she would have read plenty of romantic novels when she was our age but then again she was from a convent so...
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Since it's the Star Wars Season...
take a look at this: Store Wars
It's freaking hilarious! And has a good message behind it too.
The Da Vinci Code trailer

The first teaser trailer for The Da Vinci Code has been released. And it's awesome. Check it out at the official site or directly here.
Man, watching the trailer made me so excited. I can't believe it's only coming out next year. Cast includes Tom Hanks, Audrey Tautou, Jean Reno, Sir Ian McKellen and Alfred Molina.
Sir Ian McKellen!!!! and Alfred Molina!!! So cool! Most probably Sir Ian will be playing Leigh Teabing, for those of you who have read the book.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
'Lost' in Hawaii

I'm getting so hooked to Lost nowadays. I can't help it. The whole storyline is just incredible and full of twists and turns. Great cast and I love it when they show their lives before the crash. It's just so damn interesting. Every episode gets more exciting. EOnline is having a Lost week and showing clips and interviews...sometimes it sucks to not be an American. Here I am in good ol' Malaysia, where they're only showing ep 10 here. And the s1 Lost finale will be showin on 25 May which will be competing with the s4 AI finale if I'm not mistaken. I say, Go Lost Go! I have no doubt they'll get better ratings.
I know I promised myself no spoilers for Lost but I just couldn't help it so I read the interviews from EOnline. I don't know much but from what I've read/seen -accidentally- (haha), Claire has her baby, they end up building a raft, something about evil baby and evil Walt, Boone dying (I think), and I heard from someone that Jack is gay. Not too sure about that last one though. But someone from the cast is gonna die. Here are some of the interviews from EOnline:
JJ Abrams
Role: Executive producer, cocreator
Where We Found Him: On a top-secret secure phone line
Need-to-Know Info: He's JJ freaking Abrams. Alias mastermind. Felicity genius. All around TV god. Need I say more?
We are totally obsessed. How did you guys do it?
I think the premise of the show is such a universal curiosity: What would happen to me if I were stranded on a desert island? Which is inherently intriguing. But I think the longevity of the show is, and will be, attributable to the characters. There are so many people to relate to that there's someone for everyone in a way. Some people watch because of Sawyer. Other people watch because of Sayid or, you know, Michael or Jack. They are coming into contact with an environment and mysteries and absolute terror every day, but they're responding the way anyone watching might respond, so they're incredibly relatable.
Both your show and Desperate Housewives are serialized character dramas with an element of mystery. Is there a reason that worked so well?
I'm not sure how or why Lost and Desperate Housewives works for the audiences. I can tell you why Lost works for us. We just try to tell stories that are compelling to us, and then we cross our fingers and hope people agree. But I do think mystery and a sense of inevitability are things that made certain reality shows successful--American Idol, The Amazing Race, Survivor. You feel that sense of building to the point...the fact that we haven't seen the monster yet, or the fact that we don't know why Locke doesn't walk, or exactly why Hurley was in that mental institution, all sorts of things. For some viewers, the fun of it is extrapolating, based on what you've seen, what the rest of the picture is.
So, what is rest of the picture? What can you tell us about season two?
It is very much another chapter in the story, and it's one of those things where you really don't wanna say anything, but...they've been there for 40 days, and they've been pretty reluctant, for obvious reasons, to venture out too much. If the first 40 days was about their arrival and them realizing that they're going to be there for a while, I'd say the next 40 days is more about their establishing a sense of society and of more permanence, and there are going to be specific story points that will give them very specific objectives that will be part of the overall arc of the season next year.
Is the finale cliffhanger going to drive us nuts?
I think certain story points will be answered that will provide people with real satisfaction, and at the same time, the season finale is, I think, just incredibly shocking. It's going to be really unbelievable.
I gotta say, I'm really getting impressed with JJ Abrams. I mean Joss Whedon is still No.1 to me (and always will be) but JJ Abrams is also another genius of the television world. I'm becoming a fan of his.
Damon Lindelof
Lost Role: Executive producer, cocreator
Where We Found Him: Deep within Lost headquarters
Need-to-Know Info: There's a good reason I saved Lindelof--and not Matthew Fox or Josh Holloway--for the big finale of our Lost week. Sure, we love those guys, but I can't help but want to champion Damon even more, for he is something of an unsung hero. Everyone knows Lost is JJ Abrams, but it's fair to point out it never would have existed without Lindelof, who came up with the original concept and shepherded every storyline this season. Not only is he a creative genius--he came up with the idea to put Locke in a wheelchair and wrote the episode where the hatch lit up--he's also the kind of producer who emails you out of the blue to say thanks. And better yet, he's willing to dish. Whee!
Second season. Spill.
One of the really cool things, to me, is that we are going to be introducing new characters to the show. And it'll just get out who we've cast, because we're gonna start shooting the show in July. I think people's default position will be, "Oh, they're all people who we just haven't met yet," sort of in the chorus of, you know, meat socks, as we call them, the people in the background...Maybe some of these characters will come from the chorus and maybe they won't, but word will start to trickle out over the summer about who's joining the cast of Lost, and, more importantly, who's leaving the cast.
Doing what?! Why?
People can only track so many characters, and we can't do what 24 does, which is bring them in for six or eight-episode arcs because the actors need to live in Hawaii. And with an actor on our show, we need to have them locked down, because how do you get them off the island if they get a movie? We don't have a lot of malleability, so big, epic sorts of series decisions have to be made at the beginning of each season, and you're just sort of married to them.
I guess that's okay. As long as it's not a cliffhanger.
That's what the show promises! For me, the greatest Star Wars movie ever was Empire Strikes Back, where it's like, whoa, Darth Vader tells Luke Skywalker he's his father, he cuts his hand off, and the Rebellion is completely crushed and everybody is like absolutely and totally f--ed, and that's the end of the movie. You're like, Wait! What? I will never forget the three years between Empire and Jedi, like, how awesome it was, the level of anticipation.
The EOnline site also has interviews from YunJin Kim, Dominic Monaghan, Jorge Garcia, Harold Perrineau, Daniel Dae Kim and Evangeline Lily PLUS clips of them doing the interviews. I have to say, Daniel Dae Kim IS a nice guy in real life, very likable compared to him on screen. He played a real annoying character on Angel so I didn't really like him. But he's quite sweet in real life. YunJin Kim is also a really cool gal. Haha, I'm partial to Korean people. Anyways, the link is the title, so click on that and read the interviews and see the clips cos they're really funny.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Does Your English Cut The Mustard?
Your English Skills:
Punctuation: 80%
Spelling: 80%
Grammar: 60%
Vocabulary: 20%
cos mine doesn't. memo to myself: improve on vocab - as fast as possible!
Friday, May 13, 2005
what romance movie best represents your love life?

I'm sure it's no big surprise to you that your
romance is The Princess Bride. A heartwarming
tale of "Twue Wuve" that has giants,
Spainards and swashbuckling. You really do
think that love can overcome anything. You may
be a touch naive but your heart is certainly in
the right place. You've probably got one of
those relationships where proper nouns have
been replaced with "Snookums" and
"Pookie Pie". Eww. Beware a cuteness
What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life?
brought to you by Quizilla
not that i have a love life...but yay, i got princess bride! Shows how gullible and romantic I am.
which book are you?

You are Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen);
intellectually stimulating, romantic, and
sardonic. You are a brilliant love story about
how two people go through a complete change of
feelings, and about how society of the early
1800s was quite hilarious. I'm glad they found
love, because they used to hate each other. Go
say something sarcastic.
Which Book are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
haha...kinda expected to get this book when they asked what i would like to do and i picked make an arrogant man fall in love with me. I immediately thought mr. darcy from pride and prejudice! Was hoping to get the princess bride though...ah well, i love this book anyway.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
i still got the buffy iq!
it's 1am and I'm wasting my time doing quizzes. I don't know why, but I think I realized I needed to brush up on my buffy & angel knowledge again. I had to see whether I could still remember... and yup, I still got it! And I got full marks for the Angel History quiz...haha...would've kicked myself if I got any wrong..

Malaysian Idol - Auditions in Kuching
Yes, Malaysian Idol Season 2 is back, baby! Straight after American Idol. Will the Idol fever ever end?
So, we started off the show with our two hosts, Jien and Cheryl Samad (what ever happened to Aleya?) recapping us on the past season finalists' happenings. It seems 7 of them got record deals with the companies and that has never happened before on any idol show. Well, I can't say much about that but it was nice to see Dina again. She's so fun and cool! And Vic was his usual -emotional- self. I knew he was going to cry when he started talking about his mom.
Anyway, they showed a lot of funny stuff and our two hosts were just very excited. Jien was doing all the stupid stuff while Cheryl was all smiles and being the usual nice girl. She has very fluent BM, I must say. The chemistry between the judges was great and got to see Paul Moss and Roslan arguing again (for 5 minutes!) and the usual Kak Gee who barely speaks at all. I think they gave very long criticism (sometimes too long) and half the time, they were quite mean to the auditioners but I think they did give constructive advice, especially Paul. The only thing is they were a bit too long-winded about it. But it's great to see them back again.
I didn't see any rising stars in the auditioners, not so early in the season anyway, but I do hope we find someone as talented as Jac was last season. We had M'sia's usual horribly off-key singers and there was one guy who wore makeup with blue lips, he looked really scary. And what song did he choose to sing? Marilyn Manson. And he was pretty much just screaming. There was also another contestant who was quite good (so-so) and they let him audition a 2nd time, the poor guy, you could see he was terribly nervous, especially when he sang the 2nd song. Hope he overcomes his stage fright.
So far so good. I guess. Well, it's Malaysian Idol. What more can you ask for? The end scene was hilarious when Jien and Cheryl had to go on the sampan to Johor because the judges used all the budget to fly first class. They had so many funny scenes. Anyway, can't wait to see what new talent will be uncovered on MI.
So, we started off the show with our two hosts, Jien and Cheryl Samad (what ever happened to Aleya?) recapping us on the past season finalists' happenings. It seems 7 of them got record deals with the companies and that has never happened before on any idol show. Well, I can't say much about that but it was nice to see Dina again. She's so fun and cool! And Vic was his usual -emotional- self. I knew he was going to cry when he started talking about his mom.
Anyway, they showed a lot of funny stuff and our two hosts were just very excited. Jien was doing all the stupid stuff while Cheryl was all smiles and being the usual nice girl. She has very fluent BM, I must say. The chemistry between the judges was great and got to see Paul Moss and Roslan arguing again (for 5 minutes!) and the usual Kak Gee who barely speaks at all. I think they gave very long criticism (sometimes too long) and half the time, they were quite mean to the auditioners but I think they did give constructive advice, especially Paul. The only thing is they were a bit too long-winded about it. But it's great to see them back again.
I didn't see any rising stars in the auditioners, not so early in the season anyway, but I do hope we find someone as talented as Jac was last season. We had M'sia's usual horribly off-key singers and there was one guy who wore makeup with blue lips, he looked really scary. And what song did he choose to sing? Marilyn Manson. And he was pretty much just screaming. There was also another contestant who was quite good (so-so) and they let him audition a 2nd time, the poor guy, you could see he was terribly nervous, especially when he sang the 2nd song. Hope he overcomes his stage fright.
So far so good. I guess. Well, it's Malaysian Idol. What more can you ask for? The end scene was hilarious when Jien and Cheryl had to go on the sampan to Johor because the judges used all the budget to fly first class. They had so many funny scenes. Anyway, can't wait to see what new talent will be uncovered on MI.
Chemistry sucks, What else is new?
Mid-year exams are over! Finally! 3 weeks is long enough, too long in fact. And I already got to know 3 subject marks which is Add M3, Mod M3 and Physics. And both my Add M3 and Physics are in the 60's region. Which really sucks. But it's not like I wasn't expecting low marks. I did pretty bad in this exam, and the internet was distracting me half the time! I'm already expecting to fail my Chem and possibly Bio too. Gasp.
But who cares, anyway? It's the holidays! So no school thoughts! Shoo.
On to more interesting matters, I've gotten into the crazy world of live journal. I saw the pretty little icons and fell in love with them. It's amazing how they can create so much beauty with just 100x100 pixels. Now I've gotten into the habit of icon-making already. I'm still a beginner though so not much creativity with my icons. But I've been joining a few icon contests. Hopefully, I might actually win something. Visit my lj! It's still totally empty now but I'll soon be filling it up with icons. Meanwhile, you should go to my friends section at the lj for some gorgeous icons.
About American Idol: Bo should have won. I really feel so wholly unsatisfied that Carrie won. I don't think she has as much talent or star quality as Bo does. But I guess she overshadowed him with her powerful voice and the fact that she went last. But I'm not in America, so whatever. That Simon parody was hilarious, however. And Constantine as the waiter...ah, cuteness! And William Hung, Oh God, that just cracked me up!
Homework: So, my teacher assigned us to read 10 books this holiday as homework. 10 books in 2 weeks. Does she think we have no lives or something? That doesn't even gives us more than a day to finish one book. And she wants us to read books that are up to our level when before she said that we could read anything we wanted. Annoying. I love to read more than most people but 10 books in 14 days is just way too much. She gave us this 15 minute lecture on how reading builds our character and makes us more outspoken and observant of the world. "And no romance novels! Romance novels should be destroyed!" Geez, romance novels are for the enjoyment, the excitement and just to lose ourselves in a happy(hot) fairytale. What is so wrong with that? I bet she would have read plenty of romantic novels when she was our age but then again she was from a convent so...
But who cares, anyway? It's the holidays! So no school thoughts! Shoo.
On to more interesting matters, I've gotten into the crazy world of live journal. I saw the pretty little icons and fell in love with them. It's amazing how they can create so much beauty with just 100x100 pixels. Now I've gotten into the habit of icon-making already. I'm still a beginner though so not much creativity with my icons. But I've been joining a few icon contests. Hopefully, I might actually win something. Visit my lj! It's still totally empty now but I'll soon be filling it up with icons. Meanwhile, you should go to my friends section at the lj for some gorgeous icons.
About American Idol: Bo should have won. I really feel so wholly unsatisfied that Carrie won. I don't think she has as much talent or star quality as Bo does. But I guess she overshadowed him with her powerful voice and the fact that she went last. But I'm not in America, so whatever. That Simon parody was hilarious, however. And Constantine as the waiter...ah, cuteness! And William Hung, Oh God, that just cracked me up!
Homework: So, my teacher assigned us to read 10 books this holiday as homework. 10 books in 2 weeks. Does she think we have no lives or something? That doesn't even gives us more than a day to finish one book. And she wants us to read books that are up to our level when before she said that we could read anything we wanted. Annoying. I love to read more than most people but 10 books in 14 days is just way too much. She gave us this 15 minute lecture on how reading builds our character and makes us more outspoken and observant of the world. "And no romance novels! Romance novels should be destroyed!" Geez, romance novels are for the enjoyment, the excitement and just to lose ourselves in a happy(hot) fairytale. What is so wrong with that? I bet she would have read plenty of romantic novels when she was our age but then again she was from a convent so...
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Since it's the Star Wars Season...
take a look at this: Store Wars
It's freaking hilarious! And has a good message behind it too.
The Da Vinci Code trailer

The first teaser trailer for The Da Vinci Code has been released. And it's awesome. Check it out at the official site or directly here.
Man, watching the trailer made me so excited. I can't believe it's only coming out next year. Cast includes Tom Hanks, Audrey Tautou, Jean Reno, Sir Ian McKellen and Alfred Molina.
Sir Ian McKellen!!!! and Alfred Molina!!! So cool! Most probably Sir Ian will be playing Leigh Teabing, for those of you who have read the book.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
'Lost' in Hawaii

I'm getting so hooked to Lost nowadays. I can't help it. The whole storyline is just incredible and full of twists and turns. Great cast and I love it when they show their lives before the crash. It's just so damn interesting. Every episode gets more exciting. EOnline is having a Lost week and showing clips and interviews...sometimes it sucks to not be an American. Here I am in good ol' Malaysia, where they're only showing ep 10 here. And the s1 Lost finale will be showin on 25 May which will be competing with the s4 AI finale if I'm not mistaken. I say, Go Lost Go! I have no doubt they'll get better ratings.
I know I promised myself no spoilers for Lost but I just couldn't help it so I read the interviews from EOnline. I don't know much but from what I've read/seen -accidentally- (haha), Claire has her baby, they end up building a raft, something about evil baby and evil Walt, Boone dying (I think), and I heard from someone that Jack is gay. Not too sure about that last one though. But someone from the cast is gonna die. Here are some of the interviews from EOnline:
JJ Abrams
Role: Executive producer, cocreator
Where We Found Him: On a top-secret secure phone line
Need-to-Know Info: He's JJ freaking Abrams. Alias mastermind. Felicity genius. All around TV god. Need I say more?
We are totally obsessed. How did you guys do it?
I think the premise of the show is such a universal curiosity: What would happen to me if I were stranded on a desert island? Which is inherently intriguing. But I think the longevity of the show is, and will be, attributable to the characters. There are so many people to relate to that there's someone for everyone in a way. Some people watch because of Sawyer. Other people watch because of Sayid or, you know, Michael or Jack. They are coming into contact with an environment and mysteries and absolute terror every day, but they're responding the way anyone watching might respond, so they're incredibly relatable.
Both your show and Desperate Housewives are serialized character dramas with an element of mystery. Is there a reason that worked so well?
I'm not sure how or why Lost and Desperate Housewives works for the audiences. I can tell you why Lost works for us. We just try to tell stories that are compelling to us, and then we cross our fingers and hope people agree. But I do think mystery and a sense of inevitability are things that made certain reality shows successful--American Idol, The Amazing Race, Survivor. You feel that sense of building to the point...the fact that we haven't seen the monster yet, or the fact that we don't know why Locke doesn't walk, or exactly why Hurley was in that mental institution, all sorts of things. For some viewers, the fun of it is extrapolating, based on what you've seen, what the rest of the picture is.
So, what is rest of the picture? What can you tell us about season two?
It is very much another chapter in the story, and it's one of those things where you really don't wanna say anything, but...they've been there for 40 days, and they've been pretty reluctant, for obvious reasons, to venture out too much. If the first 40 days was about their arrival and them realizing that they're going to be there for a while, I'd say the next 40 days is more about their establishing a sense of society and of more permanence, and there are going to be specific story points that will give them very specific objectives that will be part of the overall arc of the season next year.
Is the finale cliffhanger going to drive us nuts?
I think certain story points will be answered that will provide people with real satisfaction, and at the same time, the season finale is, I think, just incredibly shocking. It's going to be really unbelievable.
I gotta say, I'm really getting impressed with JJ Abrams. I mean Joss Whedon is still No.1 to me (and always will be) but JJ Abrams is also another genius of the television world. I'm becoming a fan of his.
Damon Lindelof
Lost Role: Executive producer, cocreator
Where We Found Him: Deep within Lost headquarters
Need-to-Know Info: There's a good reason I saved Lindelof--and not Matthew Fox or Josh Holloway--for the big finale of our Lost week. Sure, we love those guys, but I can't help but want to champion Damon even more, for he is something of an unsung hero. Everyone knows Lost is JJ Abrams, but it's fair to point out it never would have existed without Lindelof, who came up with the original concept and shepherded every storyline this season. Not only is he a creative genius--he came up with the idea to put Locke in a wheelchair and wrote the episode where the hatch lit up--he's also the kind of producer who emails you out of the blue to say thanks. And better yet, he's willing to dish. Whee!
Second season. Spill.
One of the really cool things, to me, is that we are going to be introducing new characters to the show. And it'll just get out who we've cast, because we're gonna start shooting the show in July. I think people's default position will be, "Oh, they're all people who we just haven't met yet," sort of in the chorus of, you know, meat socks, as we call them, the people in the background...Maybe some of these characters will come from the chorus and maybe they won't, but word will start to trickle out over the summer about who's joining the cast of Lost, and, more importantly, who's leaving the cast.
Doing what?! Why?
People can only track so many characters, and we can't do what 24 does, which is bring them in for six or eight-episode arcs because the actors need to live in Hawaii. And with an actor on our show, we need to have them locked down, because how do you get them off the island if they get a movie? We don't have a lot of malleability, so big, epic sorts of series decisions have to be made at the beginning of each season, and you're just sort of married to them.
I guess that's okay. As long as it's not a cliffhanger.
That's what the show promises! For me, the greatest Star Wars movie ever was Empire Strikes Back, where it's like, whoa, Darth Vader tells Luke Skywalker he's his father, he cuts his hand off, and the Rebellion is completely crushed and everybody is like absolutely and totally f--ed, and that's the end of the movie. You're like, Wait! What? I will never forget the three years between Empire and Jedi, like, how awesome it was, the level of anticipation.
The EOnline site also has interviews from YunJin Kim, Dominic Monaghan, Jorge Garcia, Harold Perrineau, Daniel Dae Kim and Evangeline Lily PLUS clips of them doing the interviews. I have to say, Daniel Dae Kim IS a nice guy in real life, very likable compared to him on screen. He played a real annoying character on Angel so I didn't really like him. But he's quite sweet in real life. YunJin Kim is also a really cool gal. Haha, I'm partial to Korean people. Anyways, the link is the title, so click on that and read the interviews and see the clips cos they're really funny.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Does Your English Cut The Mustard?
Your English Skills:
Punctuation: 80%
Spelling: 80%
Grammar: 60%
Vocabulary: 20%
cos mine doesn't. memo to myself: improve on vocab - as fast as possible!
Friday, May 13, 2005
what romance movie best represents your love life?

I'm sure it's no big surprise to you that your
romance is The Princess Bride. A heartwarming
tale of "Twue Wuve" that has giants,
Spainards and swashbuckling. You really do
think that love can overcome anything. You may
be a touch naive but your heart is certainly in
the right place. You've probably got one of
those relationships where proper nouns have
been replaced with "Snookums" and
"Pookie Pie". Eww. Beware a cuteness
What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life?
brought to you by Quizilla
not that i have a love life...but yay, i got princess bride! Shows how gullible and romantic I am.
which book are you?

You are Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen);
intellectually stimulating, romantic, and
sardonic. You are a brilliant love story about
how two people go through a complete change of
feelings, and about how society of the early
1800s was quite hilarious. I'm glad they found
love, because they used to hate each other. Go
say something sarcastic.
Which Book are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
haha...kinda expected to get this book when they asked what i would like to do and i picked make an arrogant man fall in love with me. I immediately thought mr. darcy from pride and prejudice! Was hoping to get the princess bride though...ah well, i love this book anyway.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
i still got the buffy iq!
it's 1am and I'm wasting my time doing quizzes. I don't know why, but I think I realized I needed to brush up on my buffy & angel knowledge again. I had to see whether I could still remember... and yup, I still got it! And I got full marks for the Angel History quiz...haha...would've kicked myself if I got any wrong..

Since it's the Star Wars Season...
take a look at this: Store Wars
It's freaking hilarious! And has a good message behind it too.
It's freaking hilarious! And has a good message behind it too.
The Da Vinci Code trailer

The first teaser trailer for The Da Vinci Code has been released. And it's awesome. Check it out at the official site or directly here.
Man, watching the trailer made me so excited. I can't believe it's only coming out next year. Cast includes Tom Hanks, Audrey Tautou, Jean Reno, Sir Ian McKellen and Alfred Molina.
Sir Ian McKellen!!!! and Alfred Molina!!! So cool! Most probably Sir Ian will be playing Leigh Teabing, for those of you who have read the book.
'Lost' in Hawaii

I'm getting so hooked to Lost nowadays. I can't help it. The whole storyline is just incredible and full of twists and turns. Great cast and I love it when they show their lives before the crash. It's just so damn interesting. Every episode gets more exciting. EOnline is having a Lost week and showing clips and interviews...sometimes it sucks to not be an American. Here I am in good ol' Malaysia, where they're only showing ep 10 here. And the s1 Lost finale will be showin on 25 May which will be competing with the s4 AI finale if I'm not mistaken. I say, Go Lost Go! I have no doubt they'll get better ratings.
I know I promised myself no spoilers for Lost but I just couldn't help it so I read the interviews from EOnline. I don't know much but from what I've read/seen -accidentally- (haha), Claire has her baby, they end up building a raft, something about evil baby and evil Walt, Boone dying (I think), and I heard from someone that Jack is gay. Not too sure about that last one though. But someone from the cast is gonna die. Here are some of the interviews from EOnline:
JJ Abrams
Role: Executive producer, cocreator
Where We Found Him: On a top-secret secure phone line
Need-to-Know Info: He's JJ freaking Abrams. Alias mastermind. Felicity genius. All around TV god. Need I say more?
We are totally obsessed. How did you guys do it?
I think the premise of the show is such a universal curiosity: What would happen to me if I were stranded on a desert island? Which is inherently intriguing. But I think the longevity of the show is, and will be, attributable to the characters. There are so many people to relate to that there's someone for everyone in a way. Some people watch because of Sawyer. Other people watch because of Sayid or, you know, Michael or Jack. They are coming into contact with an environment and mysteries and absolute terror every day, but they're responding the way anyone watching might respond, so they're incredibly relatable.
Both your show and Desperate Housewives are serialized character dramas with an element of mystery. Is there a reason that worked so well?
I'm not sure how or why Lost and Desperate Housewives works for the audiences. I can tell you why Lost works for us. We just try to tell stories that are compelling to us, and then we cross our fingers and hope people agree. But I do think mystery and a sense of inevitability are things that made certain reality shows successful--American Idol, The Amazing Race, Survivor. You feel that sense of building to the point...the fact that we haven't seen the monster yet, or the fact that we don't know why Locke doesn't walk, or exactly why Hurley was in that mental institution, all sorts of things. For some viewers, the fun of it is extrapolating, based on what you've seen, what the rest of the picture is.
So, what is rest of the picture? What can you tell us about season two?
It is very much another chapter in the story, and it's one of those things where you really don't wanna say anything, but...they've been there for 40 days, and they've been pretty reluctant, for obvious reasons, to venture out too much. If the first 40 days was about their arrival and them realizing that they're going to be there for a while, I'd say the next 40 days is more about their establishing a sense of society and of more permanence, and there are going to be specific story points that will give them very specific objectives that will be part of the overall arc of the season next year.
Is the finale cliffhanger going to drive us nuts?
I think certain story points will be answered that will provide people with real satisfaction, and at the same time, the season finale is, I think, just incredibly shocking. It's going to be really unbelievable.
I gotta say, I'm really getting impressed with JJ Abrams. I mean Joss Whedon is still No.1 to me (and always will be) but JJ Abrams is also another genius of the television world. I'm becoming a fan of his.
Damon Lindelof
Lost Role: Executive producer, cocreator
Where We Found Him: Deep within Lost headquarters
Need-to-Know Info: There's a good reason I saved Lindelof--and not Matthew Fox or Josh Holloway--for the big finale of our Lost week. Sure, we love those guys, but I can't help but want to champion Damon even more, for he is something of an unsung hero. Everyone knows Lost is JJ Abrams, but it's fair to point out it never would have existed without Lindelof, who came up with the original concept and shepherded every storyline this season. Not only is he a creative genius--he came up with the idea to put Locke in a wheelchair and wrote the episode where the hatch lit up--he's also the kind of producer who emails you out of the blue to say thanks. And better yet, he's willing to dish. Whee!
Second season. Spill.
One of the really cool things, to me, is that we are going to be introducing new characters to the show. And it'll just get out who we've cast, because we're gonna start shooting the show in July. I think people's default position will be, "Oh, they're all people who we just haven't met yet," sort of in the chorus of, you know, meat socks, as we call them, the people in the background...Maybe some of these characters will come from the chorus and maybe they won't, but word will start to trickle out over the summer about who's joining the cast of Lost, and, more importantly, who's leaving the cast.
Doing what?! Why?
People can only track so many characters, and we can't do what 24 does, which is bring them in for six or eight-episode arcs because the actors need to live in Hawaii. And with an actor on our show, we need to have them locked down, because how do you get them off the island if they get a movie? We don't have a lot of malleability, so big, epic sorts of series decisions have to be made at the beginning of each season, and you're just sort of married to them.
I guess that's okay. As long as it's not a cliffhanger.
That's what the show promises! For me, the greatest Star Wars movie ever was Empire Strikes Back, where it's like, whoa, Darth Vader tells Luke Skywalker he's his father, he cuts his hand off, and the Rebellion is completely crushed and everybody is like absolutely and totally f--ed, and that's the end of the movie. You're like, Wait! What? I will never forget the three years between Empire and Jedi, like, how awesome it was, the level of anticipation.
The EOnline site also has interviews from YunJin Kim, Dominic Monaghan, Jorge Garcia, Harold Perrineau, Daniel Dae Kim and Evangeline Lily PLUS clips of them doing the interviews. I have to say, Daniel Dae Kim IS a nice guy in real life, very likable compared to him on screen. He played a real annoying character on Angel so I didn't really like him. But he's quite sweet in real life. YunJin Kim is also a really cool gal. Haha, I'm partial to Korean people. Anyways, the link is the title, so click on that and read the interviews and see the clips cos they're really funny.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Does Your English Cut The Mustard?
Your English Skills:
Punctuation: 80%
Spelling: 80%
Grammar: 60%
Vocabulary: 20%
cos mine doesn't. memo to myself: improve on vocab - as fast as possible!
Friday, May 13, 2005
what romance movie best represents your love life?

I'm sure it's no big surprise to you that your
romance is The Princess Bride. A heartwarming
tale of "Twue Wuve" that has giants,
Spainards and swashbuckling. You really do
think that love can overcome anything. You may
be a touch naive but your heart is certainly in
the right place. You've probably got one of
those relationships where proper nouns have
been replaced with "Snookums" and
"Pookie Pie". Eww. Beware a cuteness
What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life?
brought to you by Quizilla
not that i have a love life...but yay, i got princess bride! Shows how gullible and romantic I am.
which book are you?

You are Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen);
intellectually stimulating, romantic, and
sardonic. You are a brilliant love story about
how two people go through a complete change of
feelings, and about how society of the early
1800s was quite hilarious. I'm glad they found
love, because they used to hate each other. Go
say something sarcastic.
Which Book are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
haha...kinda expected to get this book when they asked what i would like to do and i picked make an arrogant man fall in love with me. I immediately thought mr. darcy from pride and prejudice! Was hoping to get the princess bride though...ah well, i love this book anyway.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
i still got the buffy iq!
it's 1am and I'm wasting my time doing quizzes. I don't know why, but I think I realized I needed to brush up on my buffy & angel knowledge again. I had to see whether I could still remember... and yup, I still got it! And I got full marks for the Angel History quiz...haha...would've kicked myself if I got any wrong..

Does Your English Cut The Mustard?
Your English Skills: |
Punctuation: 80% |
Spelling: 80% |
Grammar: 60% |
Vocabulary: 20% |
cos mine doesn't. memo to myself: improve on vocab - as fast as possible!
what romance movie best represents your love life?

I'm sure it's no big surprise to you that your
romance is The Princess Bride. A heartwarming
tale of "Twue Wuve" that has giants,
Spainards and swashbuckling. You really do
think that love can overcome anything. You may
be a touch naive but your heart is certainly in
the right place. You've probably got one of
those relationships where proper nouns have
been replaced with "Snookums" and
"Pookie Pie". Eww. Beware a cuteness
What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life?
brought to you by Quizilla
not that i have a love life...but yay, i got princess bride! Shows how gullible and romantic I am.
which book are you?

You are Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen);
intellectually stimulating, romantic, and
sardonic. You are a brilliant love story about
how two people go through a complete change of
feelings, and about how society of the early
1800s was quite hilarious. I'm glad they found
love, because they used to hate each other. Go
say something sarcastic.
Which Book are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
haha...kinda expected to get this book when they asked what i would like to do and i picked make an arrogant man fall in love with me. I immediately thought mr. darcy from pride and prejudice! Was hoping to get the princess bride though...ah well, i love this book anyway.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
i still got the buffy iq!
it's 1am and I'm wasting my time doing quizzes. I don't know why, but I think I realized I needed to brush up on my buffy & angel knowledge again. I had to see whether I could still remember... and yup, I still got it! And I got full marks for the Angel History quiz...haha...would've kicked myself if I got any wrong..

i still got the buffy iq!
it's 1am and I'm wasting my time doing quizzes. I don't know why, but I think I realized I needed to brush up on my buffy & angel knowledge again. I had to see whether I could still remember... and yup, I still got it! And I got full marks for the Angel History quiz...haha...would've kicked myself if I got any wrong..